issue 02 for sale ! now !


A Platform for Every Creative of Colour

Getting Artists Paid

Helping Out in Local and International Communities

Trying to Decolonize Art History 

VATAN means homeland, country, or motherland in Urdu. This platform started off as another magazine made by a South Asian creative forother South Asian creatives. After the first issue we realized, what’s the point?

If VATAN is supposed to be a close-knit platform of artists sharing ideas, experiences, and support through art, photography, film, writing, and fashion, exclusivity furthering existing divides between communities is not helping our goal.

All of Vatan’s Magazine Issues proceeds are donated to help serve local and international communities.

–> Issue 01 $ is being sent to 14 different organizations helping the children affected by Trump’s Family Separation Immigration Policy.

–> Issue 02 $ will be used to help out black and brown mothers who are unable to pay bail in the US’s unjust prison system.

The $ from our future clothing line is to compensate our featured artists & help fund this entire platform (which, atm, is coming out of my pocket rn :))